Standard representatives of skeletal imsets


This applet can show 117978 standard representatives of skeletal imsets over 5 variables divided into 1319
types of permutably equivalent imsets. In the primary mode, one can browse through the types and every type
is represented by one imset belonging to that type.

Press the First-button to go to the item numbered 1.

Press the Next-button to go to the item numbered 1 higher than the current.

Press the Previous-button to go to the item numbered 1 lower than the current.

Press the Last-button to go to the last item (which is 1319 in case of the primary mode).

Fill in the number of the item to show and press the Goto-button to go to the item with the number entered.

Press the Minima box to toggle showing the minimal non-zero nodes in the imset.

Press the Maxima box to toggle showing the maximal non-zero nodes in the imset.

Press the Perms box to toggle a secondary mode in which the current type is fixed and one can browse through
all imsets belonging to this type.